Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Del Mar - Beach Town with an EpicView!

Del Mar, California. Located about halfway between Los Angeles and San Diego, this quaint, picturebook, seaside town, is exactly like what you would envision a Californian beach and surfing community would be like. It's home to the Del Mar Racetracks and the San Diego County Fair.

Most of the time, I drive right past this community on my way South to San Diego. Finally, one day I found myself just up the highway and was finally able to re-visit. The first stop was at the beach where 2008 SEO Think Tank was held. Right away, I saw something unforgettable!

Meet John King. He sort of dropped in while I was strolling along the beach.

paragliding clearing the fence
paragliding at the beach

soaring in a paraglider

Most people come to Del Mar beach to surf or swim in the waves.  Not John. He takes advantage of the wind hitting the bluffs to soar in his para-glider.

Ridge soaring can be tricky.  Too little wind and you lose lift — a fact that John demonstrated when he was forced to land on the sandy beach, instead of at his launch point on the bluff.  Too much wind and you get blown over the ridge.  But John knows what he’s doing.  He explains that there’s a point on the ridge that provides enough lift for him to turn around and head back.  Luckily, there’s a house with a flag right at that point, to help him mark the spot.

It was pretty amusing watching John bunny hop along the bluff until he came to the drop off . . . and up and away he soared!

Thanks to John, a typical walk on the beach turned into an EpicView!

Got any Epic para-gliding stories or pictures?  I'd love to hear about them!

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